A company is only ever as good as its people. Develop your people through training and reap the benefits of stronger teams, enhanced commitment and a more unified company ethos.

As a team building activity, Helicopter Flights, Micro Light addresses several important developmental criteria. It can also be tailor-made to meet your particular company requirements.

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Corporate Activities Testimonials

A motivated worker always produces the best results, so my company always goes out of its way to create the best incentives to inspire productivity among the team members. The sales team are great at their jobs and always push for sales even without any incentives- but as soon as I put prizes on the table, the sales numbers go through the roof! After a slow first quarter, we really needed an up tick as we approached the spring and summer seasons and I had the perfect incentive idea.

I’d offered extreme sports activities as prizes before, but this time, I wanted to choose something a tiny bit different as an incentive, that everybody on the team would want to take part in- a hot air ballooning experience. We were near one of the prime countryside ballooning sites on Scenes Above’s website, so a trip to the skies would be a tantalising prospect. It wasn’t long after I announced this incentive that I started to see an increase in sales and agent points- nobody could resist the thrill of heading up to the skies!

I scrapped the original deadline for the points, in order to extend for another couple of weeks, so the sales would keep rolling in. The staff weren’t best pleased- but with a prize like this on the table, that didn’t stop them. Finally, we announced a winner and they were sent off on a brilliant hot air ballooning adventure for two. I’ve learned to think outside the box when it comes to rewarding the best team players and that means giving them once in a lifetime experiences they won’t get elsewhere. Most companies would just give you a gift voucher, but we go the extra mile if our employees do too.

After the team member went on the hot air ballooning experience with her boyfriend, she said that she completely loved it and would want to try it again. It left the entire team feeling motivated and desperate to do whatever it took to win the next prize- proof that corporate incentives in this office can be a great success if you do it right.
